Positive Behaviour Policy
Co-op Academy Failsworth
Positive Behaviour Policy
Policy details
Date created - 10/06/2023
Date most recently reviewed by governors - 22/6/23
Responsibility for review: September 2024
- Policy Statement and Purpose
- Rules and Ways of Being
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Developing Positive Behaviour
- Rewards
- Classroom Strategies and Expectations
- Expectations around the Academy
- Expectations outside of school
- Consequences
- Further Interventions and Support
- Child on Child Abuse
- Suspensions
- Permanent Exclusions
- Searching, Screening and Confiscation
Appendix i: Consequences & Rewards Tariff
Appendix ii: Uniform Expectations
Appendix iii: Home - Academy Partnership Agreement
Policy Statement and Purpose
Our shared Academy vision at Co-op Academy Failsworth is a ‘Centre of Excellence’ where the day in day out experience is outstanding for all.
Co-op Academy Failsworth has developed this Positive Behaviour policy to ensure that all members of our academy community are clear on what our very high expectations are and to make clear to all students what acceptable and unacceptable behaviour looks like. At Co-op Academy Failsworth, we believe that excellent behaviour leads to excellent outcomes and we want our students to leave us as well qualified and well rounded individuals. Pupils’ ability to make the right choices, to learn from their mistakes and demonstrate self-responsibility is both rooted in co-operative values and is also an important part of developing into responsible citizens who can go on to make a positive contribution to society. Our behaviour for learning policy allows pupils to clearly see the consequences, both positive and negative, that arise from the choices they make. Our mission is to develop in our students a sense of pride and achievement in themselves and take ownership of their behaviour in our Academy and within the local community.
Our aim is also to provide a high-quality education in a setting which challenges students both academically and socially, within a safe and stimulating environment, built around the core co-operative values of: Show you care, Do what matters most, Be yourself always and Succeed together, as well as Government guidelines for behaviour in schools.
Co-op Academy Failsworth is committed to doing what matters most by ensuring that our students strive to achieve success. We are dedicated to succeeding together and ensuring that all students succeed at university, apprenticeships or quality technical or vocational qualifications leading to a successful career and a great life. We believe that to be successful, students must be co-operative, responsible, happy, healthy, resilient, independent and show they care about their own aspirations and the aspirations of others. We also want our students to express themselves in the right way by being yourself, always across our academy community and beyond.
This policy should be read in conjunction with the following policies (available on the Co-op Academy Trust website and the Co-op Academy Failsworth website):
Anti Bullying
Equality Statement and Objectives
Health and Safety
Positive Handling
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Special Educational Needs
Mental Health and Well-Being
This policy is underpinned by the following legislation and guidance:
Behaviour in Schools - Advice for Headteachers and School Staff
School suspensions and Permanent Exclusions
Searching, Screening and Confiscation - Advice for Schools
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023
Education Act (2002), as amended by Education Act (2011)
Education and Inspections Act (2006)
School Discipline [Pupil Exclusions and Reviews] – England – Regulations (2012)
Equality Act (2010, revised 2018)
Rules and Ways of Being
Co-op Academy Failsworth is underpinned by the values of the Co-op and all within the academy aspire to the Co-op Ways of Being. These are;
Do what matters most:
We follow an accept academy rules and sanctions
We listen to and respect all members of the academy community
We come to school each day, ready to learn and make progress
Be yourself, always:
We stand up for what we believe in - even if it is not the popular choice
We value our learning and put this at the centre of everything we do
We look ahead to the future to help us make the right choices
Show you care:
We are kind to each other
We do not tolerate discrimination, bullying or unkindness to others and we report this to staff
We are polite and courteous
Succeed together:
We respect our shared learning environment
We work together as an academy community
We look for opportunities to become leaders and role models within our community
Rights and Responsibilities
All members of Co-op Academy Failsworth have:
- The right to learn
- The right to teach
- The right to feel safe and secure
- The right to respect and dignity
All members of Co-op Academy Failsworth have a responsibility:
- To be good role models
- To speak politely and calmly to everyone
- To be punctual, prepared to learn and be productive in every lesson
- To treat everyone as we would like to be treated
All members of the school community are expected to display positive behaviour at all times both on the school premises and wherever they are identifiable as being part of the school community.
The Governing Body
Governors are responsible for monitoring this Behaviour for Learning policy’s effectiveness and holding the Headteacher to account for its implementation. Governors should review this policy every year to ensure its effectiveness.
The Headteacher
The Headteacher is responsible for reviewing and approving this Positive Behaviour Policy. The Headteacher will ensure the school environment encourages positive behaviour and that staff deal effectively with poor behaviour, and will monitor how staff implement this policy to ensure rewards and sanctions are applied consistently.
In addition:
- The Headteacher and staff have the power to use reasonable force and other physical contact in order to maintain and restore order (as stipulated in the Positive Handling Policy), but cannot, under any circumstances, use force as a form of punishment.
- The Headteacher and designated staff have the power to search students, screen electronic devices, and to confiscate property in circumstances that align with the Positive Handling Policy and section 13 of this policy (see below)
- The Headteacher and designated staff have the power to discipline students outside of school hours if it is a school-related matter, or the student’s actions undermine the safety of anyone from our community or the good reputation of the Academy
- The Headteacher and academy staff have the power to impose detentions beyond the normal operating hours of the school day
All Academy Staff
All Academy Staff are responsible for:
- Implementing the Behaviour for Learning policy consistently.
- Modelling positive behaviour.
- Providing a personalised approach to the specific behavioural needs of particular students.
- Recording behaviour incidents on Class Charts.
- Recording any safeguarding related behaviour incidents on CPOMS.
Parents are expected to:
- Support their child in adhering to our ‘Home School Agreement’ and this policy.
- Inform the school of any changes in circumstances that may affect their child’s behaviour.
- Discuss any behavioural concerns with the school staff promptly either over the telephone or via an in person meeting
- Work in partnership with the school to uphold the policy
Developing Positive Behaviour
We have very high expectations of students at Co-op Academy Failsworth and believe that clear and consistent boundaries, positive relationships and regular and sustained use of praise and reward leads to good behaviour and positive attitudes to learning.
To support staff and students in upholding the policy, we use many opportunities to induct and reinduct our staff and students into the rules and norms of the academy. These include:
- All staff will receiving training at the start of the academic year and are given the policy
- Staff to receive regular training updates and further CPD during designated CPD time
- New staff to receive an induction of the school policies and procedures in managing behaviour
- Quality assurance of how staff establish a culture of good behaviour and routines in their classroom will take place via regular drop ins, learning walks and feedback from leaders
- Elements of department time will be used to ensure systems and routines are used and understood
- Key habits and routines for students will be established via assemblies, morning and midday meets, family time, role modelling, rehearsal and consistent reinforcement of expectations on a daily basis
- Comprehensive behaviour curriculum to teach students our high expectations is delivered through PSHE, assemblies, tutor time and other reinduction opportunities throughout the year
- Transparency of processes and routines are shared on a regular basis with students and families to allow all to be fully aware of our expectations, along with specific rewards and consequences.
Our ethos is underpinned by the Co-operative Values of; Show you Care, Do What Matters Most, Be Yourself Always and Succeeding Together.
Students who demonstrate the 4 Cooperative values in lessons and around the Academy are given reward points through Class Charts.
Should students choose not to follow Academy expectations and behave inappropriately, then a system of sanctions will be reasonably applied if appropriate.
Underpinning the application of rewards and sanctions is an expectation that all adults in the Academy will intervene with students in a manner that:
- Encourages and promotes positive behaviour
- Looks to defuse and positively manage confrontation should it arise.
At Co-op Academy Failsworth, we believe that the values and beliefs that underpin the positive climate for learning are best promoted when students feel secure and are appropriately rewarded for all aspects of their school life - including behaving as expected.
Rewards are much more effective than consequences in motivating students. We record rewards through Class Charts and pupils are able to build up reward points to use them for accessing reward prizes and events. In addition to this we also reward students for good attendance and punctuality and going above and beyond Academy expectations.
To secure the positive climate for learning, the Academy seeks to create an atmosphere, where the emphasis is on praise and encouragement, whilst accepting that there will be a need to support those who find it difficult to maintain acceptable behaviour and conduct.
At Co-op Academy Failsworth, a wide range of whole academy rewards are available:
Praise: The Academy expects adults to use praise and encouragement to students, particularly where relationships are being developed or re-established, or in reinforcing desired behaviours. Praise needs to be accessible to all members of our Academy community and to be applied consistently. The Academy encourages all adults to recognise the efforts students make in lessons, in their positive behaviour and attendance, in the help and respect they offer adults and other students in the Academy and in the community and in the way they treat the environment. These actions form the basis for rewarding students through the Class Charts system. This system allows every student to be rewarded in all lessons as well as around the Academy during social times and by all members of staff for demonstrating positive behaviour through the Cooperative values of Show you Care, Do What Matters Most, Be Yourself Always and Succeeding Together.
In addition, all adults are encouraged to reward positive behaviour through:
- Verbal praise
- Written praise in the marking of work
- Displaying of work to build self-esteem
- Referral to Form Tutor, Head of Department, Head of Year, Senior Leaders, Headteacher and Governors for subject awards and recognition awards/events
- Contact with parents/carers through a positive postcard/phone call/letter or email
- Celebration Assemblies
- Certificates, privileges
6. Classroom Strategies and Expectations
The Personal Learning Behaviour System
Teachers and other adults within the classroom or learning space will use preventative measures such as breaking down the instructions further; making individual tasks specific; having strategic seating plans
Thereafter they will use a hierarchy of strategies which might include:
- Giving positive instructions
- Praising behaviour which does comply and focus on it
- Tactical ignoring
- Explaining clearly how to get back on track
- Giving a reminder of the rules
- Using non-verbal signals such as a gesture; placing a hand on the desk; making eye contact with the student; pointing to the student’s work; pointing to legs of chair (for someone rocking on chair); pointing to task on board; standing within proximity of the student
- Asking the student individually what he/she is doing using their name
- Providing equipment as needed, to be discussed at later opportunity
- Giving a choice of moving seats to avoid escalating the non-compliant behaviour
- Partial agreement eg. “Yes, you may have been talking about your work but I would like you to.”
- Giving a clear, calm warning in a low voice
Amber Warning
An Amber Warning can be given for any of the following (but not limited to) reasons and will be logged on Class Charts.
- Refusing to follow instructions given
- Talking whilst the teacher or another student is talking as part of the lesson
- Talking over the teacher or other students
- Being off task and not settling to work
- General lack of concentration
- Distracting others from their learning
- Arguing with others – teacher/another adult or other students
- Lack of respect for Academy equipment and resources
- Out of seat and seating plan without permission
- Disrespectful behaviour, language or tone
- Lack of Equipment
- Incorrect uniform in the lesson – this includes coats on, headphone and phones visible
Staff will explain clearly what the problem is, asking the student to make a good choice about their next action, give them a period of time to self-regulate and correct their behaviour and warn that a further warning will result in a Red being issued.
If a student does not heed previous warnings and modify their behaviour, a Red sanction will be issued.
At this point, the student is removed from the lesson and will work in the Reflections Room for the rest of the school day including Break, Lunchtime and 30 minutes after school (See section 9 of this Policy)
The expectations in the classroom are:
Line up outside the classroom in a calm and orderly manner
Remove your coat
Correct uniform if required
Enter classroom when instructed by your teacher
Sit in your designated seat
Get your equipment out and be ready for learning
Answer the register when name is called and remain in silence for the rest of the register
To listen respectfully and silently to the teacher talk
To listen respectfully and silently to other students tal
To actively engage in all tasks and activities set by the teacher
To raise your hand to speak or follow ‘no hands rule’ where asked
To work in silence when asked to do so by the teacher
Tidy your desk/work area when asked
Correct uniform where required
Stand behind you designated chair
Wait to be dismissed by your teacher
Exit the classroom and corridor in an orderly fashion
Move promptly to your next lesson
7. Expectations Around the Academy
We expect that all students at Co-op Academy Failsworth adhere to the following basic expectations when moving in and around the academy to maintain a calm and purposeful environment at all times.
- Go to all lessons, family time and morning/midday meetings on time
- Use the toilet at your break and lunch time
- Follow instructions from all staff, first time every time
- Be polite and show respect for others in the academy
- Show respect to school and other people’s property. No vandalism, graffiti or litter
- Walk around the academy sensibly, quietly and with aim of getting to your destination quickly - keeping to the left of corridors
- Line up outside your classroom in a clam and orderly fashion
- Follow the Academy one way system at lesson changeover and the end of social times
- Wear your school uniform correctly at all times;
- No hats, caps, hoods, coats, hoodies, non Co-op Failsworth jumpers inside the academy
- No trainers - Black leather shoes only
- Academy logoed v neck jumper and blazer must be worn at all times unless instructed it can be removed by staff
- All students must wear the correct coloured tie to their year group at all times
- See school website for full details of uniform and PE kit
- Only eat in designated food areas at the correct time and place litter in the bin when finished
- Stay in your designated zone at Break time and Lunch time
- Chewing gum, fizzy drinks or energy drinks are not allowed at any time
- Do not use mobile phones or speakers or have them switched on during school hours
- No illegal substances to be brought onto the school site, along with cigarettes, lighters or vapes.
- Respect the surrounding community before and after school.
- Leave the academy site promptly at the end of the academy day
- No contact with other students and respectful, safe break time play
- Enter the building calmly and purposefully ensuring uniform is sorted before lessons
8. Expectations outside of School
As with our expectations in the building, we expect that all students at Co-op Academy Failsworth adhere to the following basic expectations when travelling to and from the academy at all times.
- Arrive and leave the academy site in a calm and orderly fashion
- To leave the school site 5 minutes after the bell goes for the end of the day and not loiter around the local area - make your way out of the area as quickly as possible.
- Behave responsibly and be considerate of other members of the public when using public transport. Adhere to the rules and regulations as set out by the transport company being used
- Line up at the bus stop in an orderly manner
- Not engage in any behaviour that could be considered anti-social
- Be considerate of the property of the local residents and businesses
- To behave in a respectful manner when buying goods from local shops
- If riding a bike to school, it is used sensibly and with caution of other road users
- To not bring a e-scooter or e-bike to the academy
Teachers may also issue positive and negative consequences to students involved in incidents whilst:
- Taking part in any Academy organised or Academy related activity
- Travelling to or from the Academy or wearing Academy uniform
- In some other way identifiable as a student at the Academy
Or misbehaviour at any time, whether or not the conditions above apply, that:
- Could have repercussions for the orderly running of the Academy
- Poses a threat to another student or member of the public
- Could adversely affect the reputation of the Academy
The Academy prides itself as a hub site in the community. It will fully support Police investigations or community incidents and will sanction or reward students appropriately.
In all cases of misbehaviour, the teacher can only discipline the student on Academy premises or elsewhere when the student is under the lawful control of the staff member.
Co-op Academy Failsworth expects that students will display the same standards of behaviour online as they do offline and will treat others with kindness, dignity and respect at all times. Inappropriate online behaviour can include the following;
- Bullying in all its forms
- The use of inappropriate language
- Threats to others
- The soliciting and sharing of nude or semi-nude images and videos
- Sexual harassment
If students are found to be displaying these kinds of behaviours, Co-op Academy Failsworth will issue sanctions in accordance with the same principles as offline behaviour. Where an incident raises a safeguarding concern, Academy staff will refer the incident to the Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Many online behaviour incidents occur outside of the school day and off Academy premises. In this instance, parents/carers are responsible for managing this behaviour. However, in certain cases, incidents will occur online that adversely affect the climate in the building and orderly running of the Academy. Co-op Academy Failsworth will sanction students where their behaviour online poses a threat or causes harm to another pupil, could have repercussions for the orderly running of the Academy, when the pupil is identifiable as a member of the Academy or if the behaviour could adversely affect the reputation of the Academy.
When an incident involves nude or semi-nude images and/or videos, the member of staff will refer the incident to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (or deputy) as the most appropriate person to advise on the Academy response. Handling such reports or concerns can be especially complicated and Co-op Academy Failsworth will follow the principles as set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education (2023).
9. Consequences
Although Co-op Academy Failsworth does everything they can to mitigate the need for consequences and sanctions, we know that students do make mistakes. If a student’s conduct falls below the expectations laid out in this policy (including expectations inside and outside school) the following consequences would apply:
Listed below is guidance regarding the consequences used within the Academy. It must be remembered that the goal is to bring about a modification of behaviour so that teaching and learning can continue and to encourage students to take responsibility for their own behaviour. Some students will require minimum intervention while others will need the support of these strategies throughout their school careers.
We can expect some strategies may be repeated on a number of occasions throughout a student’s school career. The sanctions are based on the principle of the Co-operative values of Show you Care, Do What Matters Most, Be Yourself Always and Succeed Together.
Co-op Academy Failsworth employs an escalating Learning Behaviours system of Amber (warning) and Red.
These are centred on 3 simple classroom rules of:
Ready to learn
Focus on your learning
Ensure others can learn
Low-Level Disruption
Low level disruption not only seriously affects the learning of the student and disrupts the lesson/learning environment, but directly affects the learning of other students present and the teacher’s ability to teach effectively.
Low level disruption or inappropriate behaviour can be identified in a variety of forms. Below are some examples of Low-Level Disruption, however, this list is not exhaustive.
- A failure to follow instructions at the first time of asking
- Frequently off task/not engaging in learning
- Displaying behaviour that prevents other students from learning
- A refusal to engage in the learning process
- General defiance to staff
- Disrespectful responses to staff
Through our Positive Behaviour for Learning procedures, Co-op Academy Failsworth intends to address the issue of Low-Level disruption whilst at the same time dealing effectively with more serious examples of inappropriate or anti-social behaviour.
The Personal Learning Behaviour System
Teachers and other adults within the classroom or learning space will use preventative measures such as breaking down the instructions further; making individual tasks specific; having strategic seating plans
Thereafter they will use a hierarchy of strategies which might include:
- Giving positive instructions
- Praising behaviour which does comply and focus on it
- Tactical ignoring
- Explaining clearly how to get back on track
- Giving a reminder of the rules
- Using non-verbal signals such as a gesture; placing a hand on the desk; making eye contact with the student; pointing to the student’s work; pointing to legs of chair (for someone rocking on chair); pointing to task on board; standing within proximity of the student
- Asking the student individually what he/she is doing using their name
- Providing equipment as needed, to be discussed at later opportunity
- Giving a choice of moving seats to avoid escalating the non-compliant behaviour
- Partial agreement eg. “Yes, you may have been talking about your work but I would like you to.”
- Giving a clear, calm warning in a low voice
Amber Warning
An Amber Warning can be given for any of the following reasons and will be logged on Class Charts.
- Refusing to follow instructions given
- Talking whilst the teacher or another student is talking as part of the lesson
- Talking over the teacher or other students
- Being off task and not settling to work
- General lack of concentration
- Distracting others from their learning
- Arguing with others – teacher/another adult or other students
- Lack of respect for Academy equipment and resources
- Out of seat and seating plan without permission
- Disrespectful behaviour, language or tone
- Lack of Equipment
- Incorrect uniform in the lesson – this includes coats on, headphone and phones visible
Explaining clearly what the problem is and asking the student to make a good choice about their next action and warn that a further warning will result in a Red.
If a student does not heed previous warnings and modify their behaviour, a Red sanction will be issued.
At this point, the student is removed from the lesson and will work in the Reflections Room for the rest of the school day including Break, Lunchtime and 30 minutes after school.
Reflections Room
- Students will complete a programme of work in the Reflections Room on Google Classroom where they will study a different subject each lesson. Work provided in the Reflections Room will attempt, where practical, to mirror the topics and themes that students are being taught in lessons.
- The Reflections placement will be for the remainder of the school day plus 30 minutes at the end of the school day.
- Students who receive a Red sanction during Period 5 will continue their placement the following school day during Period 1, 2 & Break.
- Students will be given a morning break and lunchtime break but this will be based in the Reflections Room.
- Students will not talk to others within the Reflections Room.
- Mobile phones will be removed from students when they are brought to the Reflections Room. The mobile phone will be given back at the end of the day.
- Students will not be permitted to eat other than at allocated times, (break and lunch) when they are in the Reflections Room.
- Students will be given access to toilet facilities at designated times throughout their time in the Reflections Room.
Failure to follow the rules of the Reflections Room will result in a placement in isolation or a suspension.
Teachers will;
- Inform the pupil that they have now been given a Red and they will now be removed from the lesson and placed in the Reflections Room.
- The student will then be collected from the classroom by the Year Team and taken to the Reflections Room for the rest of the day.
- Record the Red warning on Class Charts with a description of the behaviours leading to the Red being issued.
- Parents will be informed that their child has been placed in the Reflections Room on the Class Charts website and also through a phone call home from the member of staff issuing the Red. Details will also be given what subject and teacher it was who issued the Red.
Recording Behaviour Incidents
All behaviour incidents are recorded on the Class Charts system and will receive 1 or more negative points. Parents have access to view this information through their own personal login and have a responsibility to monitor their child’s Class Charts points. Students also have a personal login and can personally monitor their Class Charts points.
Further consequences for the student may also include:
- Parental meeting to discuss behaviour and reason for Red being issued
- Student placed on a reporting schedule for behaviour monitoring
If students make the right personal learning behaviours in the classroom they will never be issued with a Red that results in a placement in the Reflections Room. The Personal Learning Behaviour system is designed to give students the opportunity to address their behaviours in the classroom and self-regulate before they are placed in the Reflections Room.
For students who are frequently issued with Red sanctions and placed in the Reflections Room, there will be additional sanctions issued as well as other support strategies put in place as highlighted below:
- Internal Isolation
- External isolation
- Meeting with parents arranged
- PSP (Pastoral Support Plan)
- Referral to support services inside the Academy, such as mentoring
- Referral to Support systems outside the Academy (eg. Prevent, Positive Steps, Mind etc.)
- Referral to Governor’s Disciplinary Committee
- A Managed Move to another local Secondary School/Academy
- A permanent Hub Placement
- A Suspension for a fixed period of time
- Permanent Exclusion
High Level Behaviours within The Academy
This is when a student displays behaviour which is illegal, extreme or dangerous to themselves or others in the Academy community.
Examples might include:
Kicking or throwing chairs or other classroom furniture; using aggressive threats to either the teacher or other students; refusing to sit down or calm down; swearing or using offensive language directly to the teacher; physical or sexual assault on a member of staff or student; racist or homophobic conduct;
Behaviour outside of the Academy hours that brings the Academy name into disrepute or poses as a health and safety risk to staff and students will also fall under this category.
Requesting Additional Support for High Level Behaviours
Staff will call for additional support by issuing a Red Warning or if needed, by sending a reliable student to the year office to request urgent support. Behaviour patrol and other pastoral staff will respond to the incident urgently. The member of staff will record the incident as a high-level behaviour on Class Charts which will alert senior staff. The member of staff will also inform parents/carers of the incident.
For high level behaviours pupils will not be placed in the Reflections Room. Other sanctions (often more than one at a time) will be used such as:
- A pastoral detention
- Internal Isolation
- External isolation
- Meeting with parents arranged
- PSP (Pastoral Support Plan)
- A Disciplinary/Respite Placement for a short period at another school/academy
- Referral to support services inside the Academy (eg. Short fuse, Mentoring)
- Referral to Support systems outside the Academy (eg. Prevent, Positive Steps, Mind etc.)
- Referral to Governor’s Disciplinary Committee
- The member of staff involved in the original incident may be involved in follow up action.
- A request for a difficult transfer to another local Secondary School/Academy
- A Managed Move to another local Secondary School/Academy
- A permanent Hub Placement
- A Suspension for a fixed period of time
- A Permanent Exclusion
Students who arrive at the academy after their designated start time or are subject to a yellow late will be expected to complete a 30 minute same day detention. Failure to attend this detention will result in students being required to attend a 2 hour detention the following Thursday.
High Level Disruption/Serious Incidents/Non-compliance with Academy Procedures
For incidents that the Academy perceives to be of a serious nature, students will be issued with either an internal isolation, an external isolation, an off-site behaviour placement or a Suspension. (All students who receive a Suspension will be issued with a day in isolation on their return to the Academy).
All students involved in a fight will highly likely receive a minimum sanction of an internal isolation. All victims of assault will be encouraged to make a formal complaint to the Police. The Academy has the power to refer incidents to the police where a crime has been committed and staff, pupil and public safety is at risk.
A student may be issued with an isolation who has not been excluded and some of these behaviours are highlighted above.
Students start their day in Isolation at 8.35am and finish at 3.20pm (Mon, Tues, Wed), 2.30pm (Thurs) and 3pm (Fri). However, if students display negative behaviour whilst completing the Isolation they will repeat a full day.
- Students do not get any breaks
- Students eat their lunch in the Isolation room
- Students do not talk to other students within the Isolation room
- Mobile telephones will be removed from students at the start of their placement in the Isolation room
- Students will not be permitted to eat or drink other than at allocated times during Isolation
Packed lunches must contain foods that comply with the Healthy Schools Agenda. Food/drink items that are not deemed suitable will be confiscated by staff. This includes fizzy drinks.
Students will be given access to toilet facilities at break and lunch.
If students make the right choices they will never be issued with isolation. Students will always have a chance to think about what they have done. Work will be provided whilst students are in isolation.
External Isolation
In agreement with other Secondary schools/academies in the Oldham Authority and Manchester schools within the locality, students may be placed in another school/academy isolation room for a period of time.
Students and their parents/carers who have been allocated an external isolation will be given the location, timings and expectations of the external isolation. They will make their own travel arrangements to and from the external isolation.
Co-op Academy Failsworth is informed of the student attendance at the external isolation by the host school/academy as soon as they arrive. Students are expected to attend in full Co-op Academy Failsworth uniform.
Students will adhere to the host school/academy behaviour procedures.
If a student fails the external isolation the host school/academy will inform Co-op Academy Failsworth of this and an automatic Suspension is issued to the student with parents/carers informed immediately.
Managed Moves
The Academy may seek a Managed Move placement for significant or repeated poor behaviour. This placement will be at one of our partner schools and will be for a 12 week period. Formal reviews will take place at week 4 and week 8. This intervention offers pupils who are at risk of Permanent Exclusion a fresh start in a new setting. During the placement, pupils will be dual registered and will remain on the roll of Coop Academy Failsworth. If successful, pupils will transfer to the roll of the host school permanently. Whilst on the placement, pupils are expected to adhere to the rules of the host school. Any breaches of these rules could result in the host school terminating the move and pupils returning to Coop Academy Failsworth. This is at the discretion of the host school and their decision is final.
The Hub
The Academy has its own on-site Alternative provision centre called ‘The Hub’. The Hub is designed to support pupils who display negative behaviours and struggle to access a mainstream curriculum and may need a smaller educational setting. The Hub caters for pupils across key stages 3 and 4. Pupils may be educated in The Hub on a short term placement or for an extended period of time depending on their individual needs. The Hub is designed to reduce the need for permanent exclusion from the Academy and develop a more inclusive education for all.
10. Further Intervention and Support
Supporting Students with Persistent Low-level Disruption
Pupils who display consistent low-level disruption, disrupt the learning environment for others and receive a large number of ‘Amber Warnings’ in a Half Term period will be placed on a monitoring intervention. This will include;
- Access to a behaviour mentor to refocus and re-engage them in their learning
- Regular in class monitoring
- Regular parental contact
- Strategies to improve their behaviour long term
Where a pupil is unable to sustain good behaviour in a number of subject areas, despite the clear systems and staff use of positive reinforcement. Or where there is a serious one-off incident which breaches the school ethos, a student may be referred to the academies’ support teams who may consider the following interventions.
- Form Tutor Report
- Pastoral Team Report
- Behaviour and progress meeting with Head of Year
- Pastoral Support Programme
- Break time and lunchtime isolation (Inappropriate behaviour at unstructured time)
- Placement in Reflections
- Placement in Isolation
- Support from the wider Inclusion team
- Access to the Uniform Room to correct any issues around uniform (no consequence if utilised)
- Amended timetable
- SEND Investigations
- EHCP application
- Referral to the Hub
- Behaviour and Progress meeting with Assistant Headteacher
- Behaviour and Progress meeting with Senior Assistant Headteacher and or Headteacher
- Temporary placement at another school
- Managed Move to another school
- Referral to in school mentors
- Referral to in-school counsellors
- Careers interviews Co-op Academy Failsworth
- Extra curricular clubs
- Referral to the Schools Police Officer and referral to outside agencies
- Suspension
- Permanent Exclusion
SEND Adjustments
Co-op Academy Failsworth recognises that at certain stages in a student or young person’s school life they may struggle to access, or manage within, the typical provision offered by the school as a result of;
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs (SEMH)
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
All academy staff are trained to support students with the above needs. If a student displays behaviour which may suggest an undiagnosed need, the graduated response as outlined in the academy SEND Policy will be followed.
Teaching staff are aware of the content of a Student Passport. Staff will be mindful of the content of this and make reasonable adjustments where necessary.
The academy recognises that changes in behaviour may be an indicator that a pupil is in need of help or protection. We will consider whether a pupil’s misbehaviour may be linked to them suffering, or being likely to suffer, significant harm and all sanctions will be discussed with the safeguarding and inclusion teams. Where this may be the case, we will follow our child protection and safeguarding policy, and consider whether pastoral support, an early help intervention or a referral to children’s social care is appropriate. Please refer to our child protection and safeguarding policy for more information.
11. Child on Child Abuse
Co-op Academy Failsworth is committed to ensuring a climate of safety for all students by challenging inappropriate behaviour between peers. We have a zero tolerance approach of all forms of child on child abuse including (but not limited to):
- Bullying (including cyberbullying, prejudice-based and discriminatory bullying)
- Abuse in intimate personal relationships between peers
- Physical abuse such as hitting, kicking, shaking, biting, hair pulling, or otherwise causing physical harm (this may include an online element which facilitates, threatens and / or encourages physical abuse)
- Sexual violence, such as rape, assault by penetration and sexual assault (this may include an online element which facilitates, threatens and / or encourages physical abuse)
- Sexual harassment, such as sexual comments, remarks, jokes and online sexual harassment, which may be standalone or part of a broader pattern of abuse
- Causing someone to engage in sexual activity without consent, such as forcing someone to strip, touch themselves sexually, or to engage in sexual activity with a third party
- Consensual and non-consensual sharing of nudes and semi nude images and / or videos (also known as sexting or youth produced sexual imagery)
- Upskirting, which typically involves taking a picture under a person’s clothing without their permission, with the intention of viewing their genitals or buttocks to obtain sexual gratification, or cause the victim humiliation, distress or alarm
- Initiation / hazing type violence and rituals (this could include activities involving harassment, abuse or humiliation used as a way of initiating a person into a group and may also include an online element
Where there are any reports of child on child abuse, including sexual violence and sexual harassment, we will follow the guidance set out in Part 5 of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022. The Academy maintains a zero tolerance approach to all forms of child on child abuse and always maintain the attitude ‘it could happen here’. We will always take any reports or disclosures seriously. Any sanctions for child on child abuse will be proportionate, considered, supportive and will be decided on a case by case basis. Sanctions could include managing the incident internally, referring to early help, referring to children’s social care or reporting the incident to the police. Serious incidents could result in permanent exclusion. The Academy will not tolerate behaviour of this nature, whilst also not demonising anyone – we will support and listen to all of the pupils involved. The alleged perpetrator(s) will be offered support so that they can change their behaviour.
For more information on how we deal with child on child abuse please see:
Co-op Academy Failsworth Anti Bullying Policy.
Co-op Academy Failsworth Child Protection Policy.
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023
12. Suspensions
Co-op Academy Failsworth aims to keep Suspensions to a minimum. When issued they are to provide time for us to investigate incidents and for students to reflect on their actions.
The following list includes some examples, although not exhaustive, of unacceptable behaviour that may lead to suspension from the Academy:
- Carrying or using an offensive weapon
- Assault against a member of staff or student
- A deliberate assault on another student
- Fighting
- Damage to property
- Sexual assault
- Racial, transphobic or homophobic abuse
- Verbal or physical abuse / bullying
- Verbal threatening and intimidation of staff or student
- Bullying committed via social networking media / electronic means
- Deliberately setting off the fire alarm
- Filming a fight or incident and posting on social media
- Fabricating stories about members of staff including on social media
- A student who is suspected of being under the influence of an illegal substance / drugs
- Possession of illegal drugs or related paraphernalia by an individual
- Smoking or vaping on the school site
- Persistent refusal to comply with academy expectations and sanctions
Every student that returns from suspension will need to be reintegrated back into the Academy. A meeting with parents / carers will take place to agree the reintegration plan and the level of support that the student will require to avoid further suspension. It is our belief that Suspensions are not necessarily a consequence for an action. Therefore, Suspended students will always face a consequence on their return to the Academy. This consequence may be a period of time within isolation. This procedure promotes our drive to raise Attendance and Inclusion, whilst creating an excellent platform for students to learn and teachers to teach.
Further information on suspensions can be found in the Trust’s Exclusion policy. For further information on consequences for different behaviours see appendix i
13. Permanent Exclusion
Permanent exclusion is a last resort. A Headteacher may decide to permanently exclude a student for persistent disruptive behaviour, where despite the school's best effort, a student insists on breaching the school's behaviour policy. A permanent exclusion could also be the consequence for a first 'one off' offence, based on the severity of the behaviour. One off offences may include:
- Serious actual or threatened violence against another student or member of staff (including online threats or abuse)
- Assault on a student or member of staff
- Sexual abuse or assault
- Supplying or using an illegal drug
- Carrying an offensive weapon (including any article made or adapted for causing injury)
- Serious one off incidents including ‘Hate’ incidents / crime or bullying
Further information on permanent exclusions can be found in the Trust’s Exclusion policy.
14. Searching, Screening and Confiscation
The Headteacher has statutory power to search pupils and possessions if there are reasonable grounds to suspect pupils have prohibited items. Searches may also be carried out by members of staff and contractors authorised by the Headteacher. All authorised staff will be up to date with screening and searching procedures as laid out in government guidance . When conducting searches, the Headteacher will consider the age and ability of students and make reasonable adjustments where necessary. Where possible searches will be conducted with the student present and away from other students (unless there is reason to believe that significant harm could happen if we wait).
The school can search a student for any item with their consent and in their presence (e.g. turning out pockets / looking in bags). Staff have the power to search (without consent) if they have reason to believe a student possesses any of the following items:
- knives and weapons
- alcohol
- illegal drugs
- stolen items
- tobacco and cigarette papers
- cigarettes
- e-cigarettes
- lighters and matches
- fireworks
- pornographic images
- any article that has been or is likely to be used to commit an offence , cause personal injury or damage to property
Wherever possible, searches will be carried out by two authorised members of staff, or contractor by staff members of the same gender as the student, and with the student present as a witness. Searches that require physical contact or use of force will always be a last resort. Where the risk is considered significant, they will be conducted by a trained member of staff of the same sex as the pupil, or, if possible, and preferably, by a family member. If this is not possible (due to urgency of the situation) searches will be conducted by a permanent member of staff, with the appropriate training, of the same sex and an appropriate adult (of the same sex). In all cases, only outer clothing will be searched (pockets, bags, shoes etc). No member of the school community will conduct a search that reveals a student’s underwear or skin (beyond shirt sleeves).
Staff will confiscate and retain a student’s property if it is a banned item or any item being used to cause harm to self or others, damage to property, or disruption to the maintaining of a purposeful learning environment. For any confiscated item that is not deemed to be dangerous or potentially / known to be illegal, the confiscating staff member is required to make a proportionate and fair decision about what happens next with the item, for example:
- returning the item to the student at the end of that lesson
- returning the item to the student at the end of that day
- escalating the issue to a member of the year team / senior leadership team
- discussing with the student’s family about how best to return or dispose of the item
Retention of, damage to or disposal of a student’s personal property should not be used as a sanction and confiscation, including how the confiscation is followed up, should only be used to ensure the maintenance of a safe and purposeful learning environment.
Mobile Phones / Devices
Co-op Academy Failsworth does not allow the use of Mobile Phones in the Academy building at any time during the Academy day. Should students be caught using their mobile phone, it will be confiscated and locked away until the end of the day. The mobile phone will be returned to the student on completion of a 30 minute detention.
- If a student refuses to be screened, the school may refuse to have the student on the premises. Health and safety legislation requires a school to be managed in a way which does not expose students or staff to risks to their health and safety and this would include making reasonable rules as a condition of admittance.
- If a student fails to comply, and the school does not let the student in, the student’s absence will be treated as unauthorised. The student should comply with the rules and attend.
Power to use reasonable force
Members of staff have the power to use reasonable force to prevent students committing an offence, injuring themselves or others, or damaging property, and to maintain good order and discipline in the classroom. Headteachers and authorised school staff may also use such force as is reasonable given the circumstances when conducting a search without consent for knives or weapons, alcohol, illegal drugs, stolen items, tobacco and cigarette papers, fireworks, pornographic images or articles that have been or could be used to commit an offence or cause harm.
The academy follows all DfE guidance for searching, screening and confiscation which can be found here:
Searching, Screening and Confiscation - Advice for Schools
Please also see the Co-op Academies Trust Positive Handling Policy for the process of searching and screening and use of reasonable force (available on the school website).
Appendix i - Consequences & Rewards Tariff
Action | Points | Consequence |
Amber Warning | -5 Points | No Consequence |
Make-up/Uniform Violation | -5 Points | Dependent on level of cooperation |
Missed Piece of Homework | -5 Points | No Consequence |
Calculated Idleness | -8 Points | Reflections Placement |
Misuse of School Equipment | -8 Points | Reflections Placement |
Lack of Equipment - PE Kit or Catering Ingredients | -8 Points | Reflections Placement |
Disrupting the Learning of Others | -10 Points | Reflections Placement |
Not Following Instructions of Staff | -10 Points | Reflections Placement |
Phone Out in Lesson | -10 Points | Reflections Placement |
Arguing with Staff | -10 Points | Reflections Placement |
Leaving Room Without Permission | -10 Points | Reflections Placement |
Disruption of Formal Exam, Test or Assessment | -10 Points | Reflections Placement |
Inappropriate Language Towards Staff | -10 Points | Reflections Placement |
Swearing in the presence of staff | -10 Points | Reflections Placement |
Graffiti on School Property | -10 Points | Reflections/Isolation Placement |
Rude/Insolent Behaviour Towards Staff | -12 Points | Reflections Placement |
Open Defiance | -12 Points | Reflections Placement |
Walking Away Whilst Being Spoken To | -12 Points | Reflections Placement |
Fighting | -15 Points | Isolation Placement |
Swearing at Staff | -15 Points | Isolation Placement |
Bullying in all its forms | -15 Points | Isolation Placement |
Theft | -15 Points | Isolation Placement |
Internal Truancy | -15 Points | Isolation Placement |
Selling Confectionery in School | -15 Points | Isolation Placement |
Intentionality Jeopardising Staff/Student Safety | -15 Points | Isolation Placement |
Homophobic, personal or insulting comments to staff | -15 Points | Isolation Placement |
Racism, Homophobic or Derogatory Insults | -15 Points | Isolation Placement/Suspension |
Physical Assault on Pupil | -15 Points | Isolation Placement/Suspension |
Physical Assault on Staff | -20 Points | Isolation Placement/Suspension |
Smoking/Vaping on Academy Premises | -20 Points | Isolation Placement/Suspension |
Refusal to Attend Reflections Room | -20 Points | Isolation Placement |
Absconding the School Site | -20 Points | Suspension |
Refusal to Attend Isolation Room | -20 Points | Suspension |
Sexual Violence and/or Harassment | -20 Points | Suspension |
Setting off Fire Alarm | -25 Points | Suspension |
Inciting Violence | -25 Points | Suspension |
Dealing/In Possession of Drugs/Alcohol | -25 Points | Suspension |
Under the Influence of Drugs/Alcohol | -25 Points | Suspension |
In Possession of an Offensive Weapon | -25 Points | Suspension |
Reward | Points |
Do what matters most - Learning from mistakes (In lesson reward) | +10 |
Be yourself always - Perseverance (In lesson reward) | +10 |
Show you care - Seeking challenges (In lesson reward) | +10 |
Succeeding together - Outstanding effort (In lesson reward) | +10 |
Homework Complete | +10 |
Morning/Midday Meet Homework Champions of the Week | +20 |
Student of the Week | +50 |
Period 7 Attendance (Y11 Only) | +50 |
100% Attendance in Half Term | +100 |
100% Punctuality in Half Term | +100 |
Appendix ii - Uniform & Equipment Expectations
- Failsworth School Blazer
- Failsworth School Jumper
- Failsworth Year Tie
- Plain White Shirt
- Plain black trousers (No jeans, skinnys, canvas or linens)
- Plain black pleated skirt, knee-length
- Plain black socks, no frills or patterns.
- Plain black flat leather / leather like business type footwear (Not suede, nubuck, large logos, patterns or coloured markings).
- No boots above the ankle, trainers or canvas pumps.
PE Kit
- Black Failsworth Polo Shirt
- Black Failsworth Shorts
- Plain Black Football Style Socks
- Trainers (No Converse, Toms, Vans, Keds or any other pumps or fashion trainer)
- Gum Shield (Optional)
Additional Kit Items
- Plain Black Tracksuit Bottoms
- Watches are allowed, but other kinds of jewellery may not be worn.
- Students with pierced ears may wear one pair of small sleeper/ studs – 5mm or less in diameter, and only in gold, silver, black or diamante.
- No other visible piercings are allowed.
- Plasters or other coverings over a piercing are not acceptable.
- Sunglasses should not be worn in school.
Make up
- Make up is not allowed.
- This includes mascara foundation, blusher, bronzer, highlighter, eyeshadow, lipstick, lip gloss and eyeliner.
- In addition to this false tan, false eyelashes and false and or painted nails are also not allowed to be worn
- Hair for boys and girls should be neat and tidy.
- Only plain black headbands and bobbles.
- Extreme hairstyles are not permitted e.g. Tramlines, shaved patterns or bright non-natural colours.
School Bag
- A suitable rucksack is necessary for carrying books and equipment. Plastic bags and handbags are not suitable.
- Every pupil should bring the following everyday equipment; a pencil case, a black or blue pen, a green pen, a pencil, a ruler, a rubber and a calculator.
- These are not part of the school uniform. Pupils are required to come to school wearing the correct footwear- NOT trainers.
- Coats must be big enough to be worn over the blazer and need to be longer than the blazer. Coats cannot be worn in school except in periods of extreme cold when students will be informed of the change.
- Any other outerwear (sweatshirts/hooded tops, cardigans, jumpers) that is not part of school uniform should not be worn in school and will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day.
- We may also make uniform announcements in the event of very warm weather.
- No caps/hooded sweatshirts/hoodies at all anywhere in school, they will be confiscated.
Appendix iii - Home School Agreement